The fourth round of Global Plastics Treaty negotiations (INC-4) is happening in Ottawa from 23-29 April 2024. LEARN MORE

Global Plastics Treaty

What is it and why you should join the call for an ambitious global treaty to end the age of plastic.

On March 2, 2022, the United Nations approved a landmark agreement to create the world’s first-ever global plastics pollution treaty, adopted upon the conclusion of the resumed fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA 5.2).

What is the Plastics Treaty?

The Global Plastics Treaty represents a unique and crucial opportunity for a worldwide coordinated initiative to effectively resolve the ongoing plastic pollution crisis at all stages of the life span of plastics. Nevertheless, there exists a risk of its potential dilution and corruption. We must unite together to advocate for an ambitious treaty, ensuring its effectiveness in mitigating the plastic pollution crisis.

As countries continue the negotiations, the pressure from civil society will be instrumental in ensuring that the treaty:

  • Includes drastic plastic production cuts
  • Protect human health, human rights and the environment
  • Sets accountability measures for plastic producing industries and countries
  • Don’t promote false solutions such as plastic credits, bioplastics, chemical recycling and incineration, and instead promote reuse systems
The fourth INC meeting concluded in April of 2024. The fifth and supposed final meeting, where the treaty shall be finalized will take place on November
Read what happened in INC-4

We need a strong Global Plastics Treaty

Help us demand a treaty that will effectively cut plastic production

Plastic is a growing crisis with a devastating impact on the environment and human life. This treaty is an opportunity to get it right.

These priorities ensure that the #PlasticsTreaty meaningfully addresses all aspects of the #PlasticsCrisis.

Sign the petition to support an effective #PlasticsTreaty:

#BreakFreeFromPlastic #plasticstreaty

SIGN petitions

Whether you’re an individual, representing an organization, an expert scientist, or a young person, you can join the call for change! Sign the petitions below demanding for an ambitious legally-binding global #PlasticsTreaty.
I'm an Individual

The world demands an ambitious global treaty to end the age of plastic


Learn and Educate

Knowledge is key in our fight to end plastic pollution. Check out some of the resources below.

CIEL INC-4 Participant Analysis


EIA INC-3 briefing


CIEL's Towards a Global Treaty to End Plastic Pollution


BFFP Corporate briefing


Defining plastic products, materials and polymers: a proposal


How the Plastic Pollution Resolution relates to chemicals and health


Convention on Plastic Pollution – Essential Elements – Production


Convention on Plastic Pollution – Essential Elements – Finance


Convention on Plastic Pollution – Essential Elements: Reuse


INC-3 Participants analysis revealed


INC-3 Press Release

  • Report (and Executive Summary)

    Is net zero enough for the materials production sector?

    by Zero Waste Europe
    When considering the urgency of reducing GHG emissions there is a possibility that, despite the aims of the net zero pathways, the cumulative carbon emissions budget will be exceeded. This is due to the risks associated with deploying unproven technologies in some sectors – namely, plastics, aluminium, iron & steel, cement & concrete. This report by Zero Waste Europe and Eunomia allocated a risk factor associated with each intervention and quantified how this influences the likelihood of overshooting the remaining carbon budget. It also attempted to determine whether the overshoot can be reduced by accelerating the adoption model deployed for technological interventions
  • Background paper

    Plastic Treaty – transparency requirement for chemicals constituents in plastic is a must

    by HEJSupport, SSNC, groundWorkSA
    Despite the importance of addressing chemical contamination caused by plastic, information about chemicals in plastic is not disclosed. Lack of transparency for the chemical composition of plastics undermines plastic management to reduce pollution. In this publication, HEJSupport, SSNC and groundWorkSA discuss the urgency of chemical information transparency in plastics and ways to address it within and outside the value chain and throughout the plastic lifecycle. We argue that disclosing chemical constituents in plastic contributes to plastic pollution reduction, resource efficiency via toxic-free circular economy and promotes the public right to know.
  • Set of Principles

    Key Principles for a plastic treaty

    by IPEN
    IPEN believes that an understanding of the following three principles will be foundational for a Plastics Treaty that addresses the human health and climate threats from plastics throughout their lifecycle, and for promoting alternatives that truly meet the needs of a circular economy.

#breakfreefromplastic allies and members are calling
for a global #PlasticsTreaty, see what they’re saying online:

Like many of us, mikaelaloach grew up inspired by Dove's ads celebrating diversity, feeling seen and valued. But behind the scenes, Dove's plastic waste is devastating communities of colour in our neighbouring countries like Indonesia and the Philippines, including here in Malaysia. In our own home, we're already seeing and feeling the impact of plastic pollution on our beautiful beaches and neighborhoods. 💔😭⁣
Heartbroken by this reality, she's pledged to stop buying Dove products to demand genuine change. Join Mikaela in urging Dove to phase out single-use plastics and fiercely advocate for strong action in the Global #PlasticsTreaty. ✊⁣
Together, we can protect our country and our planet. 🙌⁣
Link in bio.⁣
#DitchDove #PlasticFreeJuly #PlastikTakFantastik

Like many of us, mikaelaloach grew up inspired by Dove`s ads celebrating diversity, feeling seen and valued. But behind the scenes, Dove`s plastic waste is devastating communities of colour in our neighbouring countries like Indonesia and the Philippines, including here in Malaysia. In our own home, we`re already seeing and feeling the impact of plastic pollution on our beautiful beaches and neighborhoods. 💔😭⁣

Heartbroken by this reality, she`s pledged to stop buying Dove products to demand genuine change. Join Mikaela in urging Dove to phase out single-use plastics and fiercely advocate for strong action in the Global #PlasticsTreaty. ✊⁣

Together, we can protect our country and our planet. 🙌⁣

Link in bio.⁣

#DitchDove #PlasticFreeJuly #PlastikTakFantastik

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It’s still Plastic Free July, yall! Here’s a photo from our previous OP.

While this was a fun activity, I hope we won’t need to do it again in the future T_T. Plastic pollution is a massive systemic issue that requires a holistic approach.

The recent severe flooding in Metro Manila due to Typhoon #CarinaPH highlights that our environmental issues are worsening. This is a complex and profound problem that cannot be viewed from just one perspective.

It’s alarming that the Philippines contributes less than 0.4% of global carbon emissions, yet we are suffering significant impacts from the climate crisis. It’s even more concerning that our President blames the people affected by these impacts for improper waste disposal instead of addressing the root cause of plastic pollution—the sachet economy.

While it’s true that some people lack discipline regarding waste disposal, the issue is systemic and needs to be addressed holistically. Our waste management problems are extensive as learned in our recent Basic Mass Integration (BMI) here in Cebu, we don’t even have enough materials recovery facilities (MRFs)! 

We must rally together and call on our leaders to heed our calls. 


Sign the petition here to break free from plastics:

Know more about 


It’s still Plastic Free July, yall! Here’s a photo from our previous OP.

While this was a fun activity, I hope we won’t need to do it again in the future T_T. Plastic pollution is a massive systemic issue that requires a holistic approach.

The recent severe flooding in Metro Manila due to Typhoon #CarinaPH highlights that our environmental issues are worsening. This is a complex and profound problem that cannot be viewed from just one perspective.

It’s alarming that the Philippines contributes less than 0.4% of global carbon emissions, yet we are suffering significant impacts from the climate crisis. It’s even more concerning that our President blames the people affected by these impacts for improper waste disposal instead of addressing the root cause of plastic pollution—the sachet economy.

While it’s true that some people lack discipline regarding waste disposal, the issue is systemic and needs to be addressed holistically. Our waste management problems are extensive as learned in our recent Basic Mass Integration (BMI) here in Cebu, we don’t even have enough materials recovery facilities (MRFs)!

We must rally together and call on our leaders to heed our calls.


Sign the petition here to break free from plastics:

Know more about


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Dear governments, the lives and health of the people must come first before the profit of corporations! Corporations and plastic-producing countries must be held accountable for the profound harm to human rights, human health, ecosystems, and economies arising from plastic production, deployment, and disposal.

Sign the petition to urge your government to support a strong #PlasticsTreaty! 



Dear governments, the lives and health of the people must come first before the profit of corporations! Corporations and plastic-producing countries must be held accountable for the profound harm to human rights, human health, ecosystems, and economies arising from plastic production, deployment, and disposal.

Sign the petition to urge your government to support a strong #PlasticsTreaty!



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Every stage of plastics life cycle is a health threat to humans. 
Communities are exposed to pollutants during oil extraction.
Workers inhale toxic gasses during manufacturing.
Consumers ingest and absorb plastics toxins!

A 75% reduction in production is Needed


Every stage of plastics life cycle is a health threat to humans.
Communities are exposed to pollutants during oil extraction.
Workers inhale toxic gasses during manufacturing.
Consumers ingest and absorb plastics toxins!

A 75% reduction in production is Needed


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It’s simple to make a huge difference in the reduction of single use plastic from supermarkets. Our patented systems can dispense the thickest of products anything from cooking oils to ketchup etc. The manufacturers of these products could generate more income also by reducing the trucking to supermarkets in the traditional plastic packaging. We continue our uphill battle! We have requested MiamiDade County assist us in getting a meeting with publix. #reuse #refillnotlandfill #plasticstreaty #plasticfree #landfill #healthylifestyle

It’s simple to make a huge difference in the reduction of single use plastic from supermarkets. Our patented systems can dispense the thickest of products anything from cooking oils to ketchup etc. The manufacturers of these products could generate more income also by reducing the trucking to supermarkets in the traditional plastic packaging. We continue our uphill battle! We have requested MiamiDade County assist us in getting a meeting with publix. #reuse #refillnotlandfill #plasticstreaty #plasticfree #landfill #healthylifestyle ...

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🥤🥤 ينتهي كل عام ما يصل إلى 12 مليون طن من النفايات البلاستيكية في المحيطات، و 9% فقط من إجمالي البلاستيك الذي تم إنتاجه منذ الخمسينيات يُعاد تدويره.
لكن في الحقيقة، إن معظم المخلّفات البلاستيكية التي يتم جمعها لا يُعاد فعلياً تدويرها على الإطلاق – في حين أن الجزء الضئيل الذي يُعاد تدويره يحتوي على مزيج سام من المواد الكيميائية التي تجعلها غير صالحة للاستخدامات الغذائية وغيرها من الاستخدامات الاستهلاكية.
أزمة التلوث البلاستيكي أصبحت مسألة خارجة عن السيطرة، ونحن بحاجة إلى العمل الآن! ✊🏿 ✊🏽✊🏼
⛔️🥤 طالب/ي قادة الدول في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا بدعم معاهدة دولية قوية تكافح التلوّث البلاستيكي!👈🏻

#BreakFreeFromPlastic #PlasticsTreaty #البلاستيك #التلوث_البلاستيكي

🥤🥤 ينتهي كل عام ما يصل إلى 12 مليون طن من النفايات البلاستيكية في المحيطات، و 9% فقط من إجمالي البلاستيك الذي تم إنتاجه منذ الخمسينيات يُعاد تدويره.
لكن في الحقيقة، إن معظم المخلّفات البلاستيكية التي يتم جمعها لا يُعاد فعلياً تدويرها على الإطلاق – في حين أن الجزء الضئيل الذي يُعاد تدويره يحتوي على مزيج سام من المواد الكيميائية التي تجعلها غير صالحة للاستخدامات الغذائية وغيرها من الاستخدامات الاستهلاكية.
أزمة التلوث البلاستيكي أصبحت مسألة خارجة عن السيطرة، ونحن بحاجة إلى العمل الآن! ✊🏿 ✊🏽✊🏼
⛔️🥤 طالب/ي قادة الدول في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا بدعم معاهدة دولية قوية تكافح التلوّث البلاستيكي!👈🏻

#BreakFreeFromPlastic #PlasticsTreaty #البلاستيك #التلوث_البلاستيكي

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When it comes to plastic, policy matters. 📝 It’s time to address the unjust and toxic impacts of plastic pollution on people and the planet. 🌍⁠
During our October 26 webinar, we’ll discuss the latest developments in the UN #PlasticsTreaty negotiations coming up at #INC3 in Nairobi, including the recently-released Plastics Treaty "Zero Draft". Register today ✅ (LINK IN BIO) and hear from experts:⁠
🌐 Jo Banner, thedescendantsproject⁠
🌐 ocean.topher, coare_org⁠
🌐 Justine Maillot, breakfreefromplastic⁠
⁠🌐 Moderated by Rachel Radvany, ciel_org⁠
#PlasticPollutes #BreakFreeFromPlastic #Refuse #Refill #Reduce #Reuse #RefuseSingleUsePlastic #Plastic #Plastics #PlasticPollution #PlasticFree #ZeroWaste #LowWaste #ClimateActivist #GoGreen #EcoFriendly #Environment #UseLessPlastic #Sustainability #Sustainable #Upcycle #NoPlastic #EnvironmentalJustice #ClimateJustice #ClimateChange #ClimateAction #ClimateCrisis  #EcoLiving⁠

When it comes to plastic, policy matters. 📝 It’s time to address the unjust and toxic impacts of plastic pollution on people and the planet. 🌍⁠

During our October 26 webinar, we’ll discuss the latest developments in the UN #PlasticsTreaty negotiations coming up at #INC3 in Nairobi, including the recently-released Plastics Treaty "Zero Draft". Register today ✅ (LINK IN BIO) and hear from experts:⁠

🌐 Jo Banner, thedescendantsproject⁠
🌐 ocean.topher, coare_org⁠
🌐 Justine Maillot, breakfreefromplastic⁠
⁠🌐 Moderated by Rachel Radvany, ciel_org⁠

#PlasticPollutes #BreakFreeFromPlastic #Refuse #Refill #Reduce #Reuse #RefuseSingleUsePlastic #Plastic #Plastics #PlasticPollution #PlasticFree #ZeroWaste #LowWaste #ClimateActivist #GoGreen #EcoFriendly #Environment #UseLessPlastic #Sustainability #Sustainable #Upcycle #NoPlastic #EnvironmentalJustice #ClimateJustice #ClimateChange #ClimateAction #ClimateCrisis #EcoLiving⁠

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#INC3 ➡️ En República Dominicana nuestra delegación está presentando el análisis del borrador cero en la reunión preparatoria de los países miembros del Grupo de Países de Latinoamérica y el Caribe (#Grulac)

Análisis🔗 (en la bio)

#plasticstreaty #tratadodeplasticos

#INC3 ➡️ En República Dominicana nuestra delegación está presentando el análisis del borrador cero en la reunión preparatoria de los países miembros del Grupo de Países de Latinoamérica y el Caribe (#Grulac)

Análisis🔗 (en la bio)

#plasticstreaty #tratadodeplasticos

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© 2024 Break Free From Plastic. All right reserved.